Our Parish has a vision – to share the love of Christ: to experience God’s love for us in Christ and to share that love with others, within the church and outside.
We hold four key values as a compass for our vision. They are aspirational goals for all our ministry. We want to be:
We believe that the Bible contains all things necessary for salvation. The Gospel of salvation in Christ and the way of discipleship as outlined in the New Testament is our checklist for faith and conduct. We will look first to Scripture for principles and guidance about how we live and serve as a church.
We want to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in prayer and undergird all our activities and needs with prayer for God’s blessing.
Our Parish does not exist for ourselves. We are called to be part of God’s mission to the world. By our witness and service, we seek to commend the love of Christ to all people.
In all our ministry activities and fellowship, we will seek to be channels of encouragement to others.
We want to be a church that releases to others the blessings that God has given us. This will show in generosity to the work of the Lord, to mission and to people in need.